Legal matters

All medical procedures at ISIDA clinic are performed within the framework of the current legislation of Ukraine. Loyal legislative base allows us to provide a wide range of services to our patients.

The specialists of our clinic comply with the obligations of the national quality standard DSTU ISO 9001:2015. Treatment in our clinic also meets international standards and is certified by the German auditors LGA – InterCert.

The Law

According to article 123 of the Family Code of Ukraine dated January 10, 2002 No. 2947-III “Recognition of the origin of a child born by the use of assisted reproductive technologies”:

1. In the event of the birth of a child conceived using IVF methods, the mother’s husband is considered the father, with his written consent.

2. In the case of the transfer of an embryo of a married couple, conceived with the help of IVF, into the body of a woman, the parents of the child are the married couple.

3. A married couple is recognized as the parents of a child born by the wife after the transfer into her body of an embryo conceived by her husband and another woman with the help of IVF.

According to the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 787 dated September 09, 2013 “On approval of the procedure for the use of assisted reproductive technologies”, the use of the following technologies is allowed:

  • In vitro fertilization (IVF);
  • Donation of oocytes;
  • Cryopreservation of eggs, sperm and embryos;
  • Additional technologies during the IVF program:
    Auxiliary hatching;
    Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD).
  • Surrogate motherhood (in our clinic, this technology is used exclusively for medical reasons) of the following technologies:


Embryo transfer

For in vitro fertilization, legislation recommends transferring no more than one or two embryos. If medically approved, a different number of embryos can be transferred.


Cryopreservation of embryos is permitted. Frozen embryos can be used in the next cycles. Ukrainian legislation does not determine the period of preservation of embryos. The transportation of embryos abroad is not prohibited, but its conditions are not clearly detemined. In the case of embryo transfer, it is important to take care of the legal support of this procedure.

Embryo reduction

If the onset of a multiple pregnancy can pose a threat to the life and health of a woman, and in some other cases, the procedure for removing a certain number of embryos is allowed by law. This decision is made jointly by the doctor and the pregnant woman. A necessary condition for the reduction, which must occur before the 10th week of pregnancy, is the written consent of the patient.

Donation of oocytes and sperm


Donation of eggs and sperm in Ukraine is anonymous and occurs only for medical reasons and subject to the written consent of the patients. According to the law, donors cannot claim parental rights regarding the unborn child.

The donor does not receive information about who became the recipient of the cells and about the children born.

The requirements for oocyte donors are high. It can be a woman aged 20 to 32 years old with satisfactory somatic health, no hereditary diseases, having a healthy child, without any bad habits or negative phenotypic manifestations.


The legislation of Ukraine permits donation using IVF methods in accordance with article 123 of the Family Code of Ukraine.
Yes, our manager will help you collect all the necessary documents for treatment, as well as with the paperwork for obtaining a visa.
According to the Law of Ukraine “On approval of the Procedure for the use of assisted reproductive technologies in Ukraine”: “Donation of gametes and embryos is a procedure by which donors, by written voluntary consent, provide their germ cells–gametes (sperm, oocytes) or embryos for use in other persons in the treatment of infertility. The use of embryo donation is carried out for medical reasons with the written informed voluntary consent of patients, ensuring the anonymity of the donor and preserving medical secrecy.”
The clinic complies with the requirements of the national standard DSTU ISO 9001:2015 “Quality management systems. Requirements”. The clinic is also guided by European standards in the preparation of infertility treatment programs and has ISO 9001-2000 certification issued by German auditors LGA – InterCert and has received a certificate of international accreditation of medical institutions according to the British standard QHA Trent.
ISIDA clinic provides an opportunity to start treatment without waiting and queues.

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