Everything you need to know about a spermogram at the ISIDA clinic

If a married couple has problems with conceiving a child, the examination for infertility usually begins with a man. It’s faster, easier and cheaper. The main analysis that the doctor prescribes is a spermogram. A spermogram is a laboratory analysis of a man’s sperm, which is carried out in order to assess the fertilizing ability […]

Oleg Petrenko, Deputy General Director for Strategic Development of the ISIDA Clinic, took part in the international conference in Vienna

On November 6-7, Vienna (Austria) hosted the joint 2nd International Conference on Healthcare Management and the 6th International Conference on Medical Education and Nursing (the 2nd International Conference on Healthcare and Hospital Management and the 6th International Conference on Medical and Nursing Education). The conference was attended by Oleg Petrenko, Deputy General Director for Strategic […]

What you need to know about childbirth after 35 years

A modern woman craves full self-realization, so sometimes she postpones the birth of a child for the sake of creativity or the desire to make a career. Sometimes the joy of pregnancy comes at a more mature age for social reasons or for health reasons. Be that as it may, but ISIDA doctors note: over […]

ISIDA Clinic biologist Natalia Korotkevich visited one of the best clinics in Georgia

ISIDA Clinic biologist Natalia Valeryevna Korotkevich visited one of the best clinics in Georgia – ReproART. From October 21 to 24, 2017, the Repro ART clinic hosted an intensive exchange of experience between Ukrainian and Georgian reproductologists, biologists, laboratory assistants, geneticists. During these four days, representatives of Ukrainian clinics specializing in infertility treatment exchanged practical […]

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