Often in couples who have problems with conceiving a child, it is women who blame themselves for infertility. In fact, 40% of couples infertility is associated with the male factor. Male infertility is a decrease in the fertilizing ability of spermatozoa. The causes of infertility in men are diverse: abnormalities of testicular development, infectious and inflammatory diseases, chromosomal abnormalities, toxic effect of environmental pollution, exposure to high temperatures, injuries.
The examination of a couple begins with a man, since the diagnosis of male infertility is easier, cheaper and requires fewer medical interventions. To understand if there are problems with spermatozoa, a man takes sperm tests. Normal spermogram readings are 20 million spermatozoa in one milliliter of sperm, half of them are actively mobile. 5 million of them should be without pathologies. Only then is the sperm considered to be of high quality. But if the spermogram indicators do not correspond to the norm, on the basis of a comprehensive examination of the couple, the method of assisted reproductive technologies is individually selected.
The ISIDA clinic uses the most modern methods of treatment for the treatment of male infertility: intrauterine insemination (IUI), IVF, ICSI and TESE methods.
IUI is prescribed for both female and male infertility. In this case, spermatozoa are injected directly into the uterine cavity. Fertilization occurs naturally in a woman’s body.
IVF is also used for male infertility, when there are problems with male fertility (at least 5 million active-motile spermatozoa) or after three unsuccessful attempts at insemination.
ICSI and TESA make it possible to achieve egg fertilization and pregnancy even in the most severe forms of male infertility. ICSI is indicated in cases when the level of pathological spermatozoa in the sperm is increased and they have low mobility. Sperm injection is carried out in an embryological laboratory: with the help of micromanipulators, a selected sperm of good quality is injected into the cytoplasm of a mature egg. And the TESE method is used when there are very few or no spermatozoa in the sperm. With this method of treatment, a testicular biopsy is performed and spermatozoa are isolated directly from the resulting tissue. Thus, the couple has a chance to conceive their baby even with the most difficult male factor of infertility.
The use of modern assisted reproductive technologies and the invaluable experience of ISIDA clinic specialists have allowed many families to cope with the problem of infertility and experience the joy of parenthood!