The highest vocation of every woman, the greatest value and happiness is motherhood. But, unfortunately, things don’t always work out the way we would like. Our patient Olga stubbornly went to her motherhood for 13 long years: patiently accepting all the blows of fate, she did not lose hope for the birth of such a long-awaited baby for a second. And a miracle happened! But first – two frozen pregnancies, numerous diagnoses and continuous treatment, which did not bring the desired result…
The story of our heroine is an important example for those who, like her, overcome the problem of miscarriage. Olga tells about what she had to go through during these years very honestly and very sincerely, hugging her little son tightly to her:
“The history of our family began 15 years ago, when a young student and a young student decided to unite their hearts. After about three years of living together, we were already ready to join our family, but everything turned out to be not so simple… The next two years of efforts, unfortunately, did not bring the desired results. And they started going to the doctors, who, according to the results of superficial examinations, said: “Everything is fine with you! Keep trying.”
After 5 years, my first and long-awaited pregnancy came, there was no limit to our happiness. But when at 16 weeks we were sent for an extended ultrasound, there was terrible news waiting for us: “You have a frozen pregnancy, both fetuses froze …”. At that moment, it seemed to me that I would not survive this… It is very difficult to describe in words what happened to me, it hurts even to remember it.
More visits to doctors, tests, treatment, and after another 3 years – oh, a miracle! The second pregnancy. When at week 7 I came for an examination to the doctor for registration, the doctor, after looking at me on the ultrasound, uttered the most terrible phrase: “Frozen pregnancy …” And this hell repeated. I didn’t understand how this could happen to me, and most importantly, why everything was repeating itself again… And again routine examinations, this vicious circle, advice to go to one doctor, then to another.
We visited quite a large number of gynecologists, urologists and geneticists. No one could say exactly why this story repeats itself with us. Stacks of tests and pointless treatment, which was prescribed by almost everyone, and almost everyone said that you have nothing critical, everything will be fine.
There came a moment when we decided that we were ready for decisive action, ready to go for IVF, since we simply had no strength to continue going to the doctors and being treated. The gynecologist I was seeing recommended the ISIDA clinic to me, it was in the 13th year of our marriage. We passed a small examination – and immediately went into battle.
Thank God, everything worked out the first time. After the transfer of this miracle, I did not get out of bed for a week, I was afraid that something would go wrong, a week later I donated blood and got a positive result. We immediately made an appointment with a doctor, and the most joyful news was confirmed. I couldn’t believe it had happened.
Naturally, we registered for pregnancy in ISIDA and decided to observe pregnancy in ISIDA too. We were simply delighted with the professionalism of the doctors, the capabilities of the clinic, and most importantly, the humanity of the staff. The support we received there is simply priceless! They treat you like a native, worry with you, rejoice.
Pregnancy was very easy, I really enjoyed this period. During pregnancy, I actively used the services of the clinic: I attended various seminars that help a lot after the birth of the baby, I received very useful advice from a nutritionist, from a breastfeeding specialist. I was 100% ready for childbirth and thought that if I spent the whole pregnancy fluttering, then the birth would be perfect.
But it wasn’t there, we couldn’t do it ourselves, we had to do a caesarean. And here I am in intensive care, the baby was taken to intensive care … it was very scary… When the baby was transferred to my ward and he gave us his first smile, it was the best thing that could have happened to us. The baby is just perfect. Looking at him, I understand that we had to go through all this thorny path to meet with real happiness.
The birth of children is the best gift of fate! When you wake up in the morning from the fact that the baby has woken up, and you look at him, and he smiles back at you, it’s just an indescribable feeling of happiness! I really hope that my story will encourage couples to take decisive action. Do not be afraid of IVF and do not waste time, as the positive results are priceless! Of course, we will follow the princess to ISIDA at least once more, because we already have a prince.”
Dear girls, remember that if you are also faced with a similar problem, you can always get qualified help at the ISIDA Clinic’s Miscarriage Treatment Center. The colossal experience of our specialists, the use of advanced technologies and methods of treatment, as well as the belief in a successful result is what makes your long–awaited miracle appear, despite all forecasts and diagnoses.