For many couples who dream of having a child, but are not able to conceive naturally for some reason, IVF becomes the only chance to give birth to a long-awaited baby. Modern reproductive technologies are rapidly developing and are able to give the desired pregnancy even with the most severe forms of infertility. Before using artificial insemination, spouses should take maximum responsibility for studying the stages of IVF and know the answers to any questions – in order to dispel all doubts and fears.
The basic principle of IVF is the fertilization of an egg in vitro in an embryological laboratory, that is, outside the woman’s body, followed by the transfer of embryos into the uterine cavity. The first successful IVF procedure was carried out in 1978 – a baby was born “from a test tube”, a girl named Louise Brown. This year she turns 40 years old, and she is a healthy and happy mother of two charming children. To date, more than 6.5 million children have been conceived using in vitro fertilization, while it has been proven that they are neither physically, intellectually, nor psychologically different from children conceived naturally.
Preparation for the IVF procedure is one of the most important stages of the program, which provides for maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle, eliminating possible risks and stresses, as well as conducting a full and comprehensive medical examination. To do this, as a rule, a complete blood test is taken, hormonal and gynecological examinations are performed. Depending on the form of infertility and the complexity of the clinical situation, additional therapeutic manipulations may be prescribed.
According to the results of the examinations, the couple is assigned an individual treatment program. The first stage is ovarian stimulation, which is carried out in order to obtain from 8 to 20 follicles and increases the chances of obtaining high–quality eggs during the sampling procedure. A few weeks later, on a certain day of the cycle, an ovarian follicle puncture is performed – manipulation to obtain eggs. This procedure is performed under anesthesia.
The next stage is the collection of male sperm and its processing. With the help of special technologies, spermatozoa are purified from seminal plasma and leukocytes, after which the most mobile and morphologically normal spermatozoa are selected. Then comes the most crucial moment – direct fertilization “in vitro” in an embryological laboratory. On 5-7 days after ovulation, the fetus is transferred into the uterine cavity of the patient, and two weeks later a blood test is performed to summarize the treatment cycle – it is stated, with rare exceptions, the presence of pregnancy.
IVF is a long and rather complicated process on the way to a cherished dream. But do not hesitate when making a decision – the sooner you start treatment with assisted reproduction methods, the sooner you will pick up your long-awaited child!