All future parents, of course, want their children to be born and grow up healthy and full-fledged. However, this is not always possible. There are a number of genetic diseases that are inherited, which not only increase the risk of having a sick child, but can also cause an unsuccessful IVF attempt. Approximately 70% of success in implantation depends on the quality of the embryo, because in most cases an embryo with a genetic breakdown does not take root – this is the natural defense mechanism of a woman’s body. Fortunately, with a timely medical examination, it is possible to identify possible problems with the embryo and identify the presence of genetic abnormalities before the critical moment.
PGD (preimplantation genetic diagnosis) is a diagnostic examination used in IVF, which makes it possible to minimize the risk of transmitting genetic diseases to the child even before pregnancy. Diagnosis of an embryo for the presence of genetic abnormalities allows you to identify risks before it is transferred to the uterine cavity, which significantly increases the chances of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby. During PGD, embryos are examined from the point of view of chromosomal abnormalities or genetic mutations, while hormonal stimulation, egg collection, the process of fertilization and embryo cultivation are carried out in the same way as in a conventional IVF program. It is important to know that such a procedure does not harm the embryo and it continues its normal development.
Any genetic disease associated with the presence of a gene mutation known to medicine can be determined by preimplantation diagnostics: chromosomal aneuploidies and translocations, as well as diseases associated with the presence of mutations of individual genes. PGD is recommended in the following cases:
- the presence of chromosomal translocations in one of the parents;
- multiple failed IVF attempts;
- the age of the mother is over 35 years old;
- with habitual miscarriage;
- a history of pregnancy with fetal chromosomal diseases;
In November last year, ISIDA Clinic was the first in Ukraine to put into practice the most modern and most accurate method of preimplantation diagnosis of embryos – the PGS NGS (Next Generation Sequencing) method. The use of this method makes it possible to diagnose the presence of chromosomal abnormalities in the embryo at the DNA level with 99.9% accuracy, which avoids the birth of an unhealthy child and significantly increases the effectiveness of the IVF program.
The use of innovative diagnostic methods in the field of ART in the ISIDA clinic has allowed many couples to realize their cherished dream and experience the joy of parenthood!