Center of Reproductology / Blog / On the Independence Day of Ukraine, a 10-thousandth baby was born in the ISIDA clinic!

On the Independence Day of Ukraine, a 10-thousandth baby was born in the ISIDA clinic!

His birth was a joy for his parents, Tatiana VTORUK and Dmitry MARTYNENKO, and for doctors – after all, everyone had been waiting for the baby for so long. Moreover, the joy is double: little Vanechka was born together with his sister Marichka.

Tatiana, are these your first children?

Yes, these are very long-awaited babies. 10 years of waiting, six failed IVF attempts… And we decided for ourselves that the seventh IVF would be the last. Fortunately, ISIDA gave us a miracle! It is here that in two years we have achieved the desired result. Our reproductive doctorKsenia Georgievna KHAZHILENKO.

How did pregnancy and childbirth go?

Carrying twins, of course, is hard. But ISIDA doctors were very supportive of me, answered all my questions – both day and night. Babies without any prerequisites were born ahead of time, on the fourth day of the 30th week. Probably, for patriotic reasons, they decided to be born on Independence Day. It was a day off and, since it was far away before the birth, we had not yet concluded a corresponding contract with the clinic. I was very worried about where I would give birth and whether it would be possible to save the children. But they did not refuse us at ISIDA and immediately issued everything – the doctors promptly decided to carry out a caesarean section, and everything went well.

What was the most difficult period?

Probably right after birth. Marichka weighed only 1120 grams, and Ivan – 1260. The kids were taken to the intensive care unit, and I didn’t know what was waiting for us. This feeling cannot be expressed in words! You have already seen your children, heard them, touched them, and then they were taken away… You stay in the ward and just wait – will they survive… It’s very hard.

The children were discharged after two months of rehabilitation. How are they feeling now? Are you coping with two toddlers?

I think it’s fine. Marichka was discharged with a weight of 2540, and Ivan – 2280. He had complications, so he didn’t gain weight for a long time. And now the son is a little weaker than the sister. But all the same, the kids are so interesting, they already show characters.

After discharge, my husband was on vacation for two weeks – he helped me with the children, now my mother and mother-in-law help alternately. Nothing, we’ll manage! The main thing is that now we are a full–fledged family.

How did your loved ones take the news of the replenishment?

Since we went to this for so long and hard, when we found out about the pregnancy, we didn’t say anything to anyone for a long time. Until they heard two small hearts beating on ultrasound and made sure that everything was in order. It was a big surprise for everyone.

How did you react to the fact that Vanechka became the 10-thousandth baby who was born in the ISIDA clinic?

Neonatologists informed us about this, and the clinic manager handed us a certificate for a “Pediatric Weekend package” for both children. We are very happy. Now the kids will be able to undergo a full medical examination: ultrasound, tests, consultations of specialists. This is important for us, because premature babies require special attention from doctors. During the two months that we actually lived in the clinic, doctors and nurses became almost family people for us, and ISIDA became a second home for our kids.

To be honest, the attitude of the staff to the patients in the neonatology department pleasantly surprised us, the children were treated like relatives. We are grateful to the head of the intensive care unit, Elena Vladimirovna KHILOBOK-YAKOVENKO, for her sincere empathy and help in small things, even after discharge. After all, it is so important to get help, support, and knowledge in the most crucial period of life. This is exactly what happened with ISIDA.

During the two months that we actually lived in the clinic, the doctors became almost family people for us, and ISIDA became a second home.

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