Center of Reproductology / Blog / NGS in ISIDA


During IVF, it is possible to exclude genetic diseases of the child even before pregnancy. ISIDA Clinic has implemented a new high-precision technique: NGS.

How it happens

In the laboratory of an embryologist. On the fifth day of embryo development, the cells begin to differentiate. Tissues and organs are formed from the inner layer, and the outer layer, the trophoblast, will be responsible for implantation and will turn into a placenta. The risk for the further development of the embryo is minimized, since the material for analysis is taken from the outer layer.

At the genetic center. The technique used is called NGS (Next Generation Sequencing) Sequencing (from Latin sequentum – sequence), it allows you to decipher the DNA sequence of the entire genome. The accuracy of testing for chromosomal and monogenic diseases is 99.9%. The process is fully automated, which eliminates the impact of the human factor.

In the doctor’s office. Since embryos can live up to five days under artificial conditions, and analysis takes time, the cryocycle becomes the way out. Embryos are super–fast frozen, and then their transfer is carried out in the next cycle – in the period most suitable for conception. Thus, doctors are able to better prepare a woman for pregnancy: to stabilize the hormonal background, to make sure that the endometrium is ready for implantation.

Who is shown

Patients planning IVF – especially if there have already been failures at the stage of implantation or gestation. In almost 50% of cases, the non-occurrence of pregnancy with IVF is due to hereditary factors. It has been proven that the uterus is a sensitive biosensor that often does not accept an embryo with chromosomal abnormalities. To date, PGD with the use of NGS is the most effective method. The check makes it possible to achieve a higher implantation rate, reduce the threat of miscarriages and increase the number of healthy children born.

Couples who are at risk of having a child with a genetic anomaly. First of all, this applies to those who know about their carrier of dangerous genes. Do not discount the age factor, because it is known that over time the probability of developing chromosomal abnormalities increases.

Expert Anton BROVKO, biologist, cytogeneticist at ISIDA Clinic:

“NGS is the most informative method of genetic research to date, and its very name indicates its innovativeness: next–generation sequencing.”

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