Center of Reproductology / Blog / IVF programs with oocyte donation in ISIDA

IVF programs with oocyte donation in ISIDA

Most of the foreign patients who choose the ISIDA clinic in Ukraine for infertility treatment come to us for IVF programs using donor eggs. This is not surprising, because today these programs have high efficiency – up to 75%. Such a high rate is achieved through the use of healthy donor eggs, from which embryos with high implantation potential are obtained.

In which case do experts recommend resorting to IVF using donor eggs? Sometimes doctors are forced to diagnose the absence of healthy eggs suitable for fertilization in the body of a woman who wants to become a mother. On the way to a successful pregnancy with genetically related children, for example, hereditary diseases can become. In such cases, as well as in a number of other cases, doctors recommend resorting to IVF using donor eggs.

The egg donation program is completely anonymous. For those patients who need IVF with cell donation, the ISIDA clinic selects a donor from its own database, which includes more than 860 candidates. All of them undergo a thorough selection, a detailed medical and psychological examination. The clinic guarantees that the donor will be as close as possible in terms of phenotypic characteristics and blood type to the patient. Usually, when choosing a donor, parameters such as height, weight, hair and eye color, nationality, education, family and children, blood type and Rh factor are evaluated.

There are also quite strict requirements and restrictions in relation to the state of health of the egg donor, namely:

  • the age of a female egg donor should be in the range of 18-32 years;
  • the donor must have his own healthy children, at least one child;
  • the absence of negative phenotypic manifestations is another condition for the donor;
  • a potential egg donor must also have satisfactory somatic health;

The ISIDA clinic team applies all its knowledge and experience in the fight for the main thing – the birth of healthy children in our patients. Therefore, every day we strive to improve and improve the level of services provided, while adhering to European treatment protocols and maintaining an individual approach to each patient. The diagnosis and treatment of infertility in ISIDA involves the use of all modern medical capabilities, and one of the latest innovations in our clinic is an IVF program with donor oocytes with guaranteed blastocysts.

ISIDA Clinic offers the following programs with oocyte donation:

1. In vitro fertilization (IVF) using oocytes from your own donor (when choosing this program, you must specify who the donor is to future parents);

2. In vitro fertilization (IVF) using donor oocytes (at least 2 blastocysts);

3. In vitro fertilization (IVF) using vitrified donor oocytes (at least 2 blastocysts) with medications for the recipient.

IVF programs with oocyte donation include the following services:

  • doctor’s consultations throughout the entire treatment cycle;
  • synchronization of donor and recipient cycles;
  • preparation of the recipient for pregnancy. Controlled ovarian stimulation of the donor;
  • ultrasound and hormonal monitoring throughout the treatment;
  • puncture of follicles and aspiration of donor oocytes;
  • Oocyte Fertilization (ICSI) and embryo cultivation;
  • single embryo transfer during the treatment cycle;
  • day hospital after follicle puncture and embryo transfer;
  • pregnancy diagnosis: HCG blood test and ultrasound.

It is important for us that our patients always feel in safe hands! Therefore, you can be sure that by applying for treatment with the use of donor oocytes in ISIDA, you will receive a specific result in the form of at least 2 or 4 embryos, respectively, your chances of a favorable IVF program will increase significantly.

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