Center of Reproductology / Blog / ISIDA Clinic specialists debunk myths about IVF

ISIDA Clinic specialists debunk myths about IVF

Many couples who start infertility treatment and think about IVF, do not always fully understand what kind of procedure it is. After all, there are still many myths and conjectures around reproductive technologies. The specialists of the ISIDA clinic will help you figure out which stories about IVF are true, and which are nothing more than fiction.

First of all, it is worth remembering that IVF is not a guarantee of infertility treatment, as many believe. The effectiveness of the IVF program is only 35-40%, and there must be certain indications for its implementation. First, an examination is carried out and the causes of infertility are determined, and then a treatment method is selected that is suitable for your couple. But, in fact, none of the existing methods of treatment will give a 100% guarantee.

Very often, expectant parents believe that with the help of IVF, you can “plan” the desired pregnancy, for example, immediately give birth to twins. In fact, even with artificial insemination, you can’t just “order” as many children as you want. In reproductive medicine, multiple pregnancies are considered a complication, since we often face a high percentage of pregnancy losses and premature births. Although when using IVF, the probability of multiple pregnancies is really high, since several embryos can be transferred into the uterine cavity at once to increase the chances of pregnancy.

It is also a mistake to believe that children born after in vitro fertilization are the product of careful genetic selection. Selection issues during IVF concern only common risky diseases: chromosomal pathologies, age-dependent chromosomal pathologies. In order to reduce the risks of the future child borrowing such diseases from parents, special studies of embryos are carried out. Embryo selection occurs if there are certain indications: older women who have high risks of pathologies; pregnancies with chromosomal pathologies in the family, or the family knows about the carriage of a certain chromosomal pathology, miscarriages in the anamnesis, etc.

Another common misconception is that children born as a result of in vitro fertilization have more health problems than those born in natural conditions. In fact, the research indicators are about the same in both groups. It should be taken into account that reproductologists have not yet had the opportunity to conduct a long-term analysis that would include not only the health of newborns, but also the development of children, the puberty period, their ability to give birth to their children.

To learn more about the IVF method and the indications for its implementation, contact the ISIDA IVF clinic! Our experts will advise you and answer all your questions.

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