On September 28-30, 2018, a large-scale Single-cell RNA BIO (rnabio.space) conference was held in Kiev, the main purpose of which was to demonstrate the latest biotechnologies in Ukraine and unite the efforts of scientists from around the world in further promoting their practical use in medicine, as well as to organize a joint analysis of the data obtained. The conference was attended by outstanding world researchers and engineers specializing in biology, bioinformatics, genetics and medicine, as well as young scientists from Ukraine.
The ISIDA clinic acted as a partner of the event, and the head of the infertility treatment department, the head of the Miscarriage Treatment Center, a reproductologist, a geneticist, an ultrasound doctor, Ksenia Khazhilenko, presented a report that aroused the most lively interest of the conference participants. In her speech, she raised the problem of endometrial receptivity, its clinical aspects in patients with fertility disorders, and the possibility of its diagnosis.
The conference was also attended by the chief physician of the Infertility Treatment Center, reproductologist Svetlana Shiyanova; head of the Genetic Laboratory Center, biologist Yulia Kremenska and geneticist, ultrasound doctor Olga Yarovaya. “Ksenia Khazhilenko’s report concerned the clinical aspects of studying endometrial receptivity. This is an extremely important problem faced by reproductologists all over the world”, – Yulia Kremenska commented on the performance of her colleague.
The report of Ksenia Georgievna Khazhilenko was presented by the scientific director of the leading center for clinical molecular research Igenomix, Dr. Felipe Vilella (Igenomix Foundation, INCLUVA Health Research Institute, Spain). In his speech, he presented a paper on sequencing single endometrial cells to study the process of receptivity.
“It is noteworthy that the works of Felipe Vilella are known for their practical embodiments – he is one of the authors of the modern test for receptivity using NGS technology. It should be noted that the format of the conference was in English, and many young foreign participants were able to both take part and watch the live video stream of the conference”, – Yulia Kremenska emphasized.
The Single-cell RNA BIO conference gives all participants a unique opportunity to share their accumulated experience, gain new knowledge, and search for truth in live communication with each other. Each of the participants of the event comes to get an answer to the most interesting question for him at the current stage of his professional activity. This opportunity is provided to them through participation in daily sessions on the most relevant topics of reproduction, as well as through familiarity with the latest technical innovations in the field of ART.