A competent and conscious approach to the birth of a child is the key to a happy future baby. If you have come to this important stage in your life and realized that you are ready to become parents, first of all, you need to remember that pregnancy is a special condition that requires careful monitoring and preparation. A preliminary examination of a couple is an effective way to increase the likelihood of conception and ensure the safe bearing of a child.
Pregnancy planning involves a comprehensive approach: testing for hidden infections, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, thyroid and mammary gland examination, hormonal screening. If the results are good, then according to generally accepted norms and under the condition of regular sexual activity, pregnancy should occur within a year. And only if pregnancy has not occurred during this period, the couple has a reason to consult a doctor.
What obstacles can arise on the way to the desired pregnancy? The causes of infertility can be physiological and psychological, and in special situations, mixed forms of infertility and infertility of unclear genesis can be observed. In about 30% of cases, the cause of physiological infertility in women is disorders in the endocrine system. The main symptom of this type of infertility is a persistent absence of ovulation or its irregularity. Do not forget that 40% of couples infertility is associated with the male factor.
If, after all the studies conducted, the results show that a woman and a man are healthy, the reason for the inability to get pregnant may not be a physiological factor, but the psychological state of the expectant mother. In this case, it is necessary to contact not only a reproductologist, but also a psychologist who will help a woman identify the strongest sources of chronic stress and safely get rid of them.
In order to get pregnant as soon as possible and avoid difficult situations, you should not delay a visit to the doctor – the earlier you start treatment, the higher its effectiveness will be. ISIDA Clinic offers its patients several pregnancy planning programs:
1. Pregnancy planning in case of problems with conception – the minimum basic examination for a married couple who have not been able to conceive a baby for more than a year.
2. Pregnancy planning at increased risks – a set of studies recommended for expectant mothers who have risk factors, in particular, problems with the onset and carrying of pregnancy in the past.
Over the years, the clinic’s specialists have allowed tens of thousands of couples to experience the joy of motherhood and fatherhood. ISIDA Clinic is a comprehensive approach to solving the problem of infertility, high quality medical services and service of the highest European level!