Center of Reproductology / Blog / Alina Palamarchuk shared her impressions of the ESHRE meeting in Geneva

Alina Palamarchuk shared her impressions of the ESHRE meeting in Geneva

On July 3-5, 2017, a regular Congress of Reproductologists was held in Geneva under the auspices of ESHRE (European Society of Human Reproductology and Embryology). About 10,000 specialists from Europe, as well as the USA, China, India, Asian countries, Japan, and Australia took part in its work.

Among the reproductologists, embryologists, gynecologists, psychologists, lawyers and other specialists whose professional activities somehow affect the sphere of human reproductive health, there was also a delegation of the ISIDA clinic: Palamarchuk Alina Nikolaevna, obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductologist; Turbanist Svetlana Viktorovna, reproductologist; Kremenska Yulia Valeryevna, biologist, Candidate of biological Sciences (PhD).

Alina Palamarchuk, obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductologist, shares her impressions about participating in the ESHRE Congress.

Alina Nikolaevna, what opportunities does participation in such events give to a practitioner?

The ESHRE Congress is held annually, and it is certainly one of the most significant events in the world of reproduction. The call to take part in the congress is traditionally answered by the best specialists from almost all countries of the world. The ESHRE Congress provides a unique opportunity to get valuable first–hand information – from speakers who are developers of a particular technology, or from practitioners who already have experience in applying techniques that were considered almost revolutionary just a year or two ago.

With what professional request did you personally go to ESHRE?

The uniqueness of ESHRE is that, thanks to its scope, it gives each of the participants the opportunity to get an answer to their most “hot” professional questions.
Personally, I am very much interested in one of the main problems of women’s reproductive health – a decrease in the ovarian reserve. Therefore, I personally was very interested in reports on the latest methods of ovarian tissue activation in patients with reduced reserve, as well as a vivid overview of mitochondrial transfers as a possible way to improve the quality of oocytes. In my opinion, the introduction of such methods will significantly make life easier for our patients.

What reports did you find most interesting?

Laura Rienzi made a very interesting report on the peculiarities of cryopreservation of oocytes. P. Humaidan spoke about the features of progesterone support in ART programs. There were also interesting reports by Japanese and American specialists on the restoration of the ovarian reserve (which has not yet found wide distribution).

Is the ESHRE Congress only presentations or also personal communication between professionals?

I love this congress very much because absolutely different doctors from all over the world gather and generously share their achievements and best practices. The question “How is it done in your clinic?” sounds as often as a greeting. Thanks to this interchange of information, what seemed impossible and incomprehensible yesterday is becoming very important and useful today. Of course, you need to take into account that each country has its own capabilities and features of reproductive medicine. But all doctors really want one thing – to get the desired healthy pregnancy without harming the woman.

At events like ESHRE, personal acquaintances should be made, right? Are they useful? By what?

Of course, the possibility of new acquaintances at the conference is a unique chance to hear a completely different point of view on interesting questions. It is in such communication that truth is born. Usually such conversations take place in an informal setting, so the interlocutors have the opportunity to discuss everything very amicably, in detail and slowly. It is especially interesting to discuss issues of interest with leading lecturers. They are very open people with a huge practice, innovators and fans of reproductive medicine. Communication can be so intense that especially popular lecturers remain without coffee and without lunch, answering numerous questions.

Does participation in events such as the ESHRE Congress in Geneva entail changes in the practice of ISIDA?

The ISIDA clinic has always been distinguished by the fact that it has applied all the most advanced knowledge and skills in its work. Therefore, our specialists at such events are always on an equal footing with colleagues from other countries, not only when they receive new knowledge, but also when they share their experience and knowledge. And upon returning from seminars and congresses, the ISIDA clinic always hosts a collective discussion of innovations brought from conferences, their introduction into daily practice so that our patients can become happy parents.

Palamarchuk Alina Nikolaevna is an obstetrician-gynecologist, a reproductologist with 15 years of experience. Alina Nikolaevna specializes in endoscopic surgery, ultrasound diagnostics in obstetrics and gynecology, assisted reproductive technologies in endocrine gynecology, infertility treatment, cervical diseases. She regularly participates in numerous scientific and practical conferences and congresses – both on the territory of Ukraine and abroad. Annually attends ESCRS congresses and many other international conferences, is a member of the Association of Reproductologists of Ukraine and the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE).

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